Karaoke5 - Lite Freeware

The Best Karaoke Program for Professionals and Beginners
We have been developing the karaoke software now
being used by many professionals "Karaoke 5 Professional" for 20 years and, from that experience, "Karaoke 5 -Freeware Lite" was born, a totally free, with the bare minimum of functions but still a powerful karaoke player.
The main objective of this programis to ease the performance by professionals or amateur singers, thanks to the real-time management of the musical playlist, mixing and crossfading between tracks.
A song can be launched from the playlist or, directly, using "drag and drop" files from the PC.
The integrated bank "K5 Instrument" provides an excellent sound quality for the midi files, therefore there will be no need to go looking for other sound banks.
Download Now Karaoke5 - Lite freeware on your PC: